C’s Heart Art

Written by C’s foster mom, Rachel Elizabeth Lake

C came to our family at 22 months, we were his 4th home. We have forever been a family since he was 2.5 years old. 

C, age 7, drew about what it feels like to be loved in a forever family.


He took this to be how it feels in his heart. He chose light sparkling, metallic colors to show joy, in brown, gold, light green, and light blue. Dark red shows nervousness and fear, which leads to anger; dark blue shows sadness.

He said in the big heart he feels mostly joy, but his sadness and nervousness try to take over and fight the joy. The smaller hearts show what it feels like when sadness (blue), anger and fear (red), and joy (Brown and gold) take over.

As his foster mom I am grateful. This gave me an opportunity to see into his heart myself.


All My Life